About Osprey
Kids Club

What is Kids Club?

Kids Club is the perfect place to learn about the problems your local rivers and creeks face. This club allows kids to get involved in their community by preventing litter and protecting their environment. Sign up for games, activities, and guides to track your clean-up progress. Start a litter adventure today by participating in community clean-ups, litter rodeos, or just by walking around your local area and picking up any litter you might find. Every little bit helps to decrease our overall litter footprint in our communities.

Who We Are

Our Mission

Encourage kids to become citizen scientists and protectors!

Our Osprey Team

Dedicated people not afraid to get dirty!

Our Community

Located all over the world but joined together by one mission.

Our Partners & Sponsors

Working together to keep our rivers and oceans clean of debris.

About Oscar

Because ospreys are principally fish eaters, they like to remain close to still or slow-moving bodies of water. After all, no one wants to be away from a reliable food source for too long! Ospreys can be found near oceans, rivers, lakes, mangroves, coastal wetlands, lagoons, reefs, estuaries, and marshes. You can find me soaring above shorelines, plunging swiftly into the water for food. 
Oscar fishes in both fresh and saltwater; so he can be found near rivers, lakes, large streams, reservoirs, coastal estuaries, salt marches, and ocean shores.

Why We Do
What We Do

We want to leave our corner of the world cleaner than it was before.. The more litter removed from our watersheds; the less litter there is traveling to pollute the oceans!

Our Mission

We aim to help you learn all about your local environment, how litter enters the waterways, and some of the steps you can take to create a cleaner community. You can take what you learn and see some  positive action for not only your local environment, but also your local community. Osprey Kids Club is all about getting out and exploring nature while also  helping your local community!

How can you get involved?

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

Sign Up

Use a parent's email to set up your account

Download Litterati App

Track your progress and get access to activities, videos, and litter adventure kits!

Take Action

Check out upcoming events where you can get involved in protecting your local watersheds!

Let's Be the Change